As you well know from the 1st of September 2021 will be obligatory to issue the complement of Bill of Lading to the bills of transfer and entry in…

As you well know from the 1st of September 2021 will be obligatory to issue the complement of Bill of Lading to the bills of transfer and entry in…
Let us recall that on April 24, 2021, the decree that reformed, added and repealed various articles of the LFT, LSS, INFONAVIT Law, CFF, LISR, LIVA came into force.…
On June 1, 2021, the SAT announced that legal entities may continue to renew the e-signature from the website provided that the expiration date of the same does not…
On April 23, the decree was published that has as its main objective the prohibition of outsourcing and insourcing. The main amendments to the Federal Labor Act are as…
The bonus is a benefit for the worker provided for in article 87 of the LFT, it is mandatory and must be delivered before December 20 on the minimum…
El reparto de utilidades o pago de PTU como se le conoce coloquialmente es un derecho que tienen todos los trabajadores con las excepciones siguientes: Los directores, administradores y…
Debido a la contingencia sanitaria por la que estamos pasando, el pasado 16 de abril de 2020, se publica en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el Acuerdo por…
A través de la Primera Resolución de Modificaciones a la Resolución Miscelánea Fiscal para 2020 y específicamente a la regla 13.2., como medida de apoyo ante la contingencia sanitaria…
El 21 de abril entra en vigencia la extension de la Jornada Nacional Sana Distancia. Recordemos que mediante el decreto publicado el 27 de marzo de 2020 en el Diario Oficial…
El pasado 14 de octubre del 2019, se actualizaron las guías de llenado del anexo 20 y complementos de nómina, entrando en vigor el 01 de enero de 2020.…