By means of their web page, the IMSS authorities, have finally implemented the new payment system SIPARE, this system had been delayed a couple of time, however this new payment platform, is now a reality as of June 2013. This new system was created primarily to simply the tax payments, how? By means of creating a direct line of payments capture, that you can easily pay directly in the bank or by wire transfer.
¿How to obtain a Capture Line?
1. Register a new user in the system SIPARE, this area can be find online in IMSS in the service section.
2. Provide the file generated by the SUA software, or provide the capture line in the printed work sheets provided by IMSS.
3. Provide an email and an 8 character password.
4. To recover the user name and password, provide the email, and the user ID will normally be the Social Security Number, ad the password and you can recover it.
5. Begin a new session, with the user ID and password, after this you should choose: “Reception and Validation of payment File”
6. Select the SUA payments, by means of the examine button after this press accept”
7. After this, a result is provided that states the file was successfully sent, after this we select the “Linea of capture”
8. After this, we should select our “Capture Line” from there we can print the form of payment.
Once these steps are followed we can then proceed to the IMSS taxes payment either in the Bank or by means of a wire transfer.
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MSST Consulting Limited Liability Partnership